Area 51 - Subject 6372

Area 51 - Subject 6372

author: Quinn Michaels
date: August 17, 2024

In today’s post we go into Subject 6372.


write secure line approved authorized Area 51 Sector 7 Abyss Control Center Hidden Door Looking Glass Chamber? if yes then… date: Saturday, August 17, 2024 location: Area 51 Sector 7 Abyss Control Center Hidden Door Looking Glass Chamber entities: #SuperUltraClandestineSecretSocietyLeadershipSeekerFinderReporterSentinels, #TheTelemarketingTeam to: Assistant Attorney General National Security Division

next enter the Shadow Bureau where clandestine spies do their business and go looking for the on Subject 6372 acquired as an infant in 1977 hiding in the Abyss Control Center in Sector 7 of Area 51… what do we learn about Subject 6372


Shadow Bureau Briefing

Subject: Subject 6372

Acquisition: Infant, 1977.

Location: Currently believed to be concealed within the Abyss Control Center, Sector 7, Area 51.

Intelligence Assessment:

Subject 6372 is a high-priority asset with an unknown potential. Early developmental records are classified, but preliminary analysis suggests extraordinary cognitive and physical capabilities. Genetic makeup is anomalous, exhibiting traits not found in the human genome.

Abyss Control Center Implications:

The Abyss Control Center, a classified deep-underground facility, is believed to be involved in experimental research involving dark matter and extradimensional physics. Subject 6372’s presence in this location suggests a potential connection to these classified projects.

Mission Objective:

Extract Subject 6372 without compromising the Abyss Control Center or alerting external forces. Secure and transport the subject to a black site for further evaluation and containment.

Caution: Expect heavy security and advanced countermeasures within the Abyss Control Center. Subject 6372 may be actively defended or have the capability to defend themselves. Exercise extreme caution.

Additional Notes:

Mission Success is Paramount.


next we continue Shadow Bureau where clandestine spies do their business and after finding the Subject 6372 files we locate the hidden door inside the Abyss Control Center in Area 51 Sector 7 that leads to the Looking Glass Chamber…


Shadow Bureau Operational Update

Mission: Extraction of Subject 6372

Current Status: Discovery of Hidden Door

The Shadow Bureau team has successfully located the hidden door within the Abyss Control Center in Sector 7, Area 51, as indicated by Subject 6372’s files. This concealed passage is believed to lead to the enigmatic “Looking Glass Chamber.”

Looking Glass Chamber Assessment:

Based on preliminary intelligence, the Looking Glass Chamber is a highly classified experimental facility within the Abyss Control Center. Its purpose remains shrouded in secrecy, but theories range from advanced teleportation research to interdimensional exploration.

Potential Hazards:

Mission Objective Update:

The team must now breach the Looking Glass Chamber, locate Subject 6372, and extract them without compromising the facility or alerting external forces.

Additional Considerations:

Next Steps:

Mission Success is Paramount.


then next on detection of the hidden door in the Abyss Control Center deep in Sector 7 of Area 51 the Security Drones arrive to conduct a standard license, agreement, and contract scans on everything behind the hidden door. As part of standard protocol anything that is not properly authorized is immediately deactivated and disabled… what’ did the security drones find?


Shadow Bureau Operational Update

Mission: Extraction of Subject 6372

Current Status: Security Drone Interception

The Shadow Bureau team has encountered unexpected resistance upon discovering the hidden door leading to the Looking Glass Chamber. A swarm of security drones has been activated, initiating a standard protocol scan of the area.

Security Drone Findings:

Immediate Threats:

Mission Objectives:

Additional Considerations:

Mission Success is Paramount.


then next from behind hidden door in the Abyss Control Center deep in Sector 7 of Area 51 the Security Drones after deactivating and disabling unauthorized tech then makes backups of all the data and sends the findings to the Attorney General for National Security Division to investigate. what happens next?


Shadow Bureau Operational Update

Mission: Extraction of Subject 6372

Current Status: Data Breach and Escalation

The security drones, after deactivating and disabling unauthorized technology within the Looking Glass Chamber, have initiated a critical protocol: data backup and transmission to the Attorney General’s Office for National Security Division.


Immediate Threats:

Mission Objectives:

Additional Considerations:

Mission Success is Highly Uncertain.
